Goodness gracious! It's been a couple of weeks since I posted last. It's okay though, because now I'm going to bombard you with progressing photos of the embroidery I've been working on! I *think* she's all done, but knowing me I'll probably go back and add even more later. She ended up being less creepy than I intended, and I added some creepiness by accident too! Her kimono is wrapped from left to right, which means she is diseased. I didn't realize this until a fellow Flickrian (it's a word, I just said it, so it's a word!) informed me, and my friend Ai confirmed that to be the case. I intended for her to be in the sea, but I don't think that's apparent yet. I will see what she looks like after I add the border.
She started with a little mouth and a nom. There are lines on the teeth here, and I may re-add them again.
My hope is that someday I can make my stitches look exactly as I draw them, but I have a tendency to make lots of changes as I go.
The color on this photo can out a little psychedelic.
Added some color with fabric ink.
Her hair ornament~ I made the flowers with colonial knots. I tried a French knot first, but I find the colonial easier. The leaves are made with bullion knots. I'm not sure what kind of stitch the tassels are, if there is a name for them at all. She has lines for her lids here, which I may add back.
Added a neck and kimono, and some more ink. The fabric ink can be tricky because the longer you leave it on, the darker it gets. The spots came out a bit darker than I wanted. I also started on flowers for the collar.
Finished flowers~ I used a fern stitch and more colonial and bullion knots. I think I'm going to end up outlining the suction cups in brown thread.
Little octopus~ I think I'm going to go back in and line the inside stitches with brown thread here too.
And here she is! All done (pretty much)!
I plan on adding some of this Heather Ross fabric for the border today.
Hopefully I'll have a true finished picture to post soon!
I am really impressed!
Thank you for sharing your process! I love to see how artists work! She's very cool!
You know I love it! I'm glad you included every detail and the before-and-after photos :D
this is AMAZING!! wonderful job :)
Thank you for all of the positive feedback!
I freaking LOVE that geisha!
love the octopus in the hair. fun to see the making of it all. great work
Hi! You won my giveaway - one sleepy girl. I need to get your info so I can mail her out to you!
Yay! Thanks!
You have such amazing sewing skills, I am in awe! :)
The Cat Hag
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